For more than a decade my office was upstairs in our house--it was a sizable room that led into a weird smaller room with a sloping roof and lots of storage space; I could watch the crows land on the neighbor's roof to sip water from the gutters. But my preteen daughter held me to a promise that one day we would swap rooms--her moving upstairs and me downstairs--and since the only way to corral her many plastic horses and other stuff was to give up my storage space, we decided to swap this past summer. I also knew I could finagle some new bookshelves in the process, as my old ones were so decrepit that you could not actually remove books from them; the books were required to stay in place so as to hold up the shelves above them.
So. The new space is still a rather lurid yellow, but that will change. The new bookcases were a find on craigslist and not only hold all my many reference books but also permit me to remove said books. There is lots of room for toys on the shelves, too. The cats are happy with the new digs, and best of all, my dog (not shown), who did not like to come upstairs to my old office, now lies beside my desk chair all day as I work. The space is still in transition, but so far I'm liking it. Just added a comfy chair from Goodwill and have my eyes open for a decent carpet.
Added benefit of being downstairs: closer to the coffeemaker and its elixir of life.
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