Thanks to SCBWI Inland NW, here's the scoop on a must-do webinar featuring our very own Suzanne Selfors, to help take your craft to the next level:
Here we go!
It's a webinar THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 12 on the topic of: Strategies for Lifting Your Career to the Next Level

Here we go!
It's a webinar THIS SATURDAY, MARCH 12 on the topic of: Strategies for Lifting Your Career to the Next Level
The webinar will be presented by:
author with eight novels released in 2015
March 12, 9am PST-10:30am PST
(The webinar will be recorded and available
for viewing for seven days by registered attendees.)
As published writers,
we know that this journey is a roller coaster—a constant up and down of facts
and emotions. The lows of rejection and stagnant sales give way to the highs of
publication and awards. And then we compare ourselves to other writers and we
crash again.
But sometimes we feel stuck in the middle.
After working so hard, why isn’t the career moving in the direction we’d hoped?
As a nationally-bestselling
author, with eight novels released in 2015, (Harper Collins, Little Brown, and
Mattel) Suzanne Selfors knows these up and downs as well as any writer. But she
made some critical decisions and took some chances that helped catapult her
career to the next level.
Please join us as Suzanne shares her journey,
including her thoughts on building a support team, reinvention, exploring new
genres and formats, and re-configuring the ways we measure success.
Click here to register.
Mary Cronk Farrell
Inland NW Regional Advisor
Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrator

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