Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Published Pro Think Tank -- LOCATION CHANGE

PAL-level members, don't forget our Think Tank scheduled for Monday evening, July 11 — and don't miss the change in location. Instead of the SPU campus as origianally planned, we'll be meeting in the Bear River Room at the Marriott Redmond Town Center (the same location as our conference the past few years). We apologize for the change, but had to make it for technical reasons.
Marriott Redmond Town Center
7401 164th Avenue NW
Redmond, WA 98052

If you've RSVP'd for this event, you should soon receive an email reminder with the new location, address, carpooling opportunities, and other information.

If you haven't RSVP'd, be aware that advance registration is free but required; contact Published Member Liaison Sara Easterly at sara (at) saraeasterly (dot) com to check whether there are still seats available.


Suzanne Williams said...

Would anyone else going to the Think Tank be interested in meeting for dinner beforehand near the Marriott--maybe at Thai Ginger?

Mike Cressy said...

What time is the meeting scheduled for???